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Fig. 1 | BMC Cardiovascular Disorders

Fig. 1

From: HAPLN1 knockdown inhibits heart failure development via activating the PKA signaling pathway

Fig. 1

The distribution of DEGs be visualized using the volcano plots. (A) The volcano plot of GSE116250 dataset, including 182 DEGs (130 up-regulated genes and 52 down-regulated genes). (B) The volcano plot of GSE135055 dataset, comprising 171 DEGs (121 up-regulated genes and 50 down-regulated genes). The red dots represent the upregulated DEGs, the blue dots represent the downregulated DEGs, and the black dots represent genes with no significant differences. (C-D). The heatmap displayed the expression levels of the top 30 DEGs identified from the datasets GSE116250 and GSE135055, respectively. The change in color from red to blue indicates a progressive decrease in gene expression in the sample. Each bioinformatics analysis was performed independently three times. Notes DEGs, differently expressed genes

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