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Table 1 Timeline

From: Plaque erosion causing ST-elevation myocardial infarction after consumption of cannabis and N2O in a 27-year old man: a case report

4 h

Consumption of cannabis, N2O, and alcohol

2 h

Chest pain onset

0 h

Presentation to the emergency department

10 min

ST-elevation in leads II, III, avF, V4-V6 on initial ECG

2 h

Coronary angiogram and OCT confirming the diagnosis of STEMI due to plaque erosion in the proximal LAD

2 h 25 min

Successful implantation of 1 drug-eluting stent into the LAD

1–2 days

Uneventful rhythm monitoring

2 days

Hospital discharge

6 months

Good recovery after STEMI, cessation of drug consumption, reduction of smoking, had participated in outpatient cardiac rehabilitation program

  1. ECG electrocardiogram, LAD left anterior descending artery, STEMI ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction